The Plaintiff in this matter attended at a regional hospital and underwent a pelvic ultrasound which revealed a cyst.
Arrangements were made for the Plaintiff to undergo proper pelvic ultrasound examination and she did so approximately three months later. The findings of the second examination were recorded as identifying no abnormalities.
Unfortunately these findings were not correct and the Plaintiff continued to have right lower abdominal pain and vomiting. She attended the emergency department of another regional hospital three days later and a CT scan demonstrated a large ovarian dermoid cyst. She required transfer to a larger hospital and underwent open surgery for her tortioned ovarian cyst and, as a result, lost both the right fallopian tube and ovary.
The Plaintiff instructed Lavelle Partners to investigate her circumstances and we obtained expert evidence from the UK to confirm that the failure to detect the cyst by both her gynaecological attendants and the radiological team was substandard and unacceptable care with inherent defects which ought to have been obvious to any person giving the matter due consideration.
In advance of the trial date, the case was successfully settled.
For more information, please contact Avril Scally, Partner and Head of the Medical Negligence Department.