About Caitriona

Caitriona heads up the Wills, Probate & Estate Planning Team at Lavelle Partners. Caitriona is highly experienced in advising both families and professionals on estate planning, will structuring, administration of estates, and Capital Acquisitions Tax / Discretionary Trust Tax issues.

Her experience encompasses wills, probate and estate planning as well as tax advice arising from gifts, inheritances and creation of trusts and appointments therefrom.

Caitriona also advices on the execution of Enduring Powers of Attorney and Wardship. She has many years of experience in probate-related litigation.

Testament to Catriona’s experience, Lavelle Partners won Probate Law Firm / Team / Lawyer of the Year at the Irish Law Awards 2024.

In the Press

Read Caitriona’s comments in the Irish Independent, on childrens’ and parents’ rights under the Succession Act 1965.

Read Caitriona’s comments in the Irish Independent on a parent’s legal financial obligations once their child reach’s adulthood.

Recent Experience

  • Will structuring for high net-worth individuals.
  • Advising professionals in relation to Capital Acquisition Tax, Discretionary Trust Tax and trust issues.
  • Advising families on administration of estates and preparing and filing Capital Acquisition Tax returns and applying for exemption from Discretionary Trust Tax.
  • Acted for clients in applying for Grants of Representation to attorneys of the personal representative, grants to committee of the person of unsound mind.
  • Applications to Court under Section 27 (4) of the Succession Act 1965 to have an individual appointed to administer on estate.
  • Pursued and defended actions issued on behalf of the child or children of a deceased parent disputing the will of the deceased parent.
  • Engaged in mediations to resolve contentious trust and estate matters.
  • Acted for clients in establishing lifetime trusts and will trusts.
  • Preparation of Enduring Powers of Attorneys for execution by clients.
  • Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney with the Wards oc Court office when the donor lost capacity.
  • Application to the High Court to have a person who no longer has capacity to be taken into wardship.
  • Prepared and filed Capital Acquisition Tax returns for client where various exemptions and reliefs were claimed including Double Taxation Relief.

Awards / Professional Recognition

Professional Memberships

  • Law Society of Ireland
  • Consulegis
  • Irish Tax Institute
  • Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
  • The Faculty of Notaries Public in Ireland


  • Associate of the Irish Tax Institute (AITI)
  • Diploma in Trusts and Estate Management (Law Society of Ireland)
  • Bachelor of Civil Law (UCD)

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